Birthday Bouquet Birthday Card


Celebrate their special day with a timeless and elegant touch. Because when it comes to heartfelt wishes—it’s all in the details.

Take a closer look: this is our Blooming with Joy Birthday card. Made on white 110lb card stock, this card features a handcrafted bouquet of delicate paper flowers, beautifully wrapped in kraft paper for a charming, rustic feel. A simple script message at the bottom in gold foil adds warmth and sincerity, making it the perfect blend of minimalism and thoughtful detail.

Customize this card with your own personal touch in the messaging on the outside and/or inside message. You may also choose to order it blank to write in your own message. This card comes with a coordinated envelope as well.

Disclaimer: as all cards in the D. Johnson & Co Greeting line are handmade and custom, you can customize this card to your specific needs or desires.

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Celebrate their special day with a timeless and elegant touch. Because when it comes to heartfelt wishes—it’s all in the details.

Take a closer look: this is our Blooming with Joy Birthday card. Made on white 110lb card stock, this card features a handcrafted bouquet of delicate paper flowers, beautifully wrapped in kraft paper for a charming, rustic feel. A simple script message at the bottom in gold foil adds warmth and sincerity, making it the perfect blend of minimalism and thoughtful detail.

Customize this card with your own personal touch in the messaging on the outside and/or inside message. You may also choose to order it blank to write in your own message. This card comes with a coordinated envelope as well.

Disclaimer: as all cards in the D. Johnson & Co Greeting line are handmade and custom, you can customize this card to your specific needs or desires.

Celebrate their special day with a timeless and elegant touch. Because when it comes to heartfelt wishes—it’s all in the details.

Take a closer look: this is our Blooming with Joy Birthday card. Made on white 110lb card stock, this card features a handcrafted bouquet of delicate paper flowers, beautifully wrapped in kraft paper for a charming, rustic feel. A simple script message at the bottom in gold foil adds warmth and sincerity, making it the perfect blend of minimalism and thoughtful detail.

Customize this card with your own personal touch in the messaging on the outside and/or inside message. You may also choose to order it blank to write in your own message. This card comes with a coordinated envelope as well.

Disclaimer: as all cards in the D. Johnson & Co Greeting line are handmade and custom, you can customize this card to your specific needs or desires.